Summer has now officially arrived in Ireland,with 17 degrees and cans in the Pav'!
Some of us where lucky enough to attend this spiritual event... But hey, there are three people and only two cans? Also, wo ist Ingos bier? It was a great afternoon, not much work done and then the Seder. I feel like a Jew, "next year I will be is Yerusalème", though in this case it's only true for Aidan. I will probably only end of singing the same songs in the same hotel in Pearse St. just before Easter in 2008 as well. End of Winters where there as one out of two Turminfeckers. No Muslims this year, but a few Irish Jews.
Assigments are still going slowly... Skal klare å komme i mål over helgen i alle fall. I morgen kommer Jon, og så er det påskeferie!
*Henceforth, three languages per entry is required by my Portugese lectorate. Today I opted for English, German and Norsk*
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